
UnRavelling - exhibition of new works by Rebecca Kinsey
i am very pleased to announce my upcoming solo show, titled UnRavelling, opening at the Tweed River Art Gallery, June 29th at 6pm. The exhibition showcases work commenced whilst in residence at the School of Visual Arts (SVA) in New York City in 2011, and completed over the past 12 months.
UnRavelling relates my experience traversing between regional NSW and New York City; and explores this intersection through diverse threads in a methodical practice – encompassing (but not limited to) painting, drawing, sewing, performance, video, repetitive laborious processes, humour, everyday activities, and place-making.
Opening night: Friday June 29th, 6-8pm
Venue: Tweed River Art Gallery, 2 Mistral Road, Murwillumbah NSW 2484 Australia. (see map)
Exhibition dates: June 29 – Aug 12 2012. Entry to the gallery is free, open Wed-Sun 10-5pm

paperJAM - Touch (Off the Grid) - at FIGMENT NYC!
paperJAM is very excited to be presenting our project Touch (Off the Grid) - a solar powered installation of touchlights, at FIGMENT NYC 2012, a participatory arts festival on Governor's Island this coming weekend (June 9-10). We'd love you to come see! touch! and play! with Touch (Off the Grid) - details for the festival are as follows:
Where: Governors Island, NYC (for directions, click here)
When: 10am - 6pm Saturday 9th and Sunday 10th June 2012
Cost: FREE!
For more info & details about the festival, visit the FIGMENT NYC website
There is also a FREE FIGMENT app available for mobile devices!
FIGMENT is an explosion of creative energy. It’s a free, annual celebration of participatory art and culture where everything is possible. For one weekend, it transforms Governors Island into a large-scale collaborative artwork – and then it’s gone.

paperJAM - Touch (Off the Grid) - new project and Kickstarter!
paperJAM has been working solidly in residence at the Art Students League of NY, on a new project called Touch (Off the Grid) - a solar powered installation of touchlights, based on some guerilla style street art installations we did in 2011. We're very excited to announce that Touch (Off the Grid) has been accepted into FIGMENT NYC 2012, a participatory arts festival on Governor's Island in June.
We've launched a Kickstarter campaign in order to raise funds for materials to complete the project and hopefully also to cover some of my travel costs back to NYC for the installation.
We are hoping to raise a minimum of $3000 - and we have until June 1 to do it!
We invite you to visit our Kickstarter - for a sneak preview of the work in progress - hopefully you'll be inspired to back us! We would really appreciate your support - and would love for you to be involved in making this thing happen! Pass it on!
KNOT YOUR AVERAGE KNIT - exhibition featuring paperJAM!
paperJAM are very excited to be presenting work in an upcoming show titled Knot Your Average Knit at City Without Walls (cWOW) Gallery in Newark, NJ. Knot Your Average Knit is curated by Lovina Purple and examines artwork being created in traditional craft techniques such as weaving, quilting, lace-making, knitting and embroidery. The exhibition features works by artists Elisa D’Arrigo, Karen Margolis, Christina Massey, Hyo Jeong Nam, Gail Rothschild, and Katya Usvitsky, and paperJAM: a collaboration between Hannah Lamar Simmons and Rebecca Kinsey.
we would LOVE for you to come - especially to opening night - we're doing a performance!
Opening night: Saturday March 31st, 6-8pm
Venue: City Without Walls, 6 Crawford Street, Newark, NJ 07102. (see map)
Exhibition dates: March 31 - May 11 2012. Entry to the gallery is free, open Wed-Sat 12-6pm
For more info visit www.rebeccakinsey.com or www.paperjamart.com
studio clearout - half price artworks!
i have just received an Australia Council ArtStart grant - and with it i am heading off to New York City for a few months to do a Residency at the School of Visual Arts in Chelsea. wahoo!
before i go i'm having a pre-spring winter clean - and am clearing the artworks out my studio!! it's a SALE! selected artworks will be half price or best offer. cash sales only.
this friday 24th June 9:30am-2:30pm and saturday 25th June 9:30am-12pm.
at the dolores cupcake studio - 5/17 Tasman Way Byron Bay NSW 2481
tell your friends. come and grab yourselves a bargain!
ABOUT FACE - NYC exhibition for paperJAM!
paperJAM are very excited to announce our first major show in NYC!
we are exhibiting with No Longer Empty in their About Face show, which is part of the New Museum's Festival of Ideas for the New City - which is on all over Manhattan May 4-8, 2011.
We have created an interactive mulitmedia installation piece titled Under Construction. The show opens on May 5th and goes until June 11th, and is at 215 East Houston Street on the Lower East Side, NYC.
i am off to New York this week to set up!
we would LOVE for you to come see and join in! Help build our city!
for more info on About Face and No Longer Empty click here
for more info about Festival of Ideas for the New City, click here
or visit our site www.paperjamart.com
paperJAM - artist collaboration
when i was in residence with the Art Student's League of New York i met and worked with a wonderful artist from Knoxville, Tennessee - Hannah Lamar Simmons. we shared a studio space whilst in residence, and ended up loosely collaborating... this unexpected and enriching experience has led us to form paperJAM - which is us intentionally collaborating as artists... working together from across the globe to explore storytelling, movement and process - through multimedia installation..
check us out : www.paperjamart.com
my latest artwork is featured in the current issue and on the cover of Red Door Magazine this month - Issue #8.
i had the absolute pleasure of meeting Red Door movers and shakers and magik makers Elizabeth Torres and David Vanegas when I was in New York in December.
"All we ask for is to finally see art frolicking with reality." (Red Door NY)
The Art Students League of New York
Artist-in-Residence Open Studio Exhibition
This Friday, November 26th 2010, The Art Students League of New York Vytlacil Campus Artist-in-Residence Program is holding an Open Studio Recption for the four artists currently in residence - Hannah Simmons, Ellen Berdinner, Adrian Landon and myself.
There has been some really great work going on here this month! come and check it out!
The reception will be held in the new residence building 5-7pm.
For more info click here
well... i finally made it to New York!
to live and make art here has been my long time dream!
i am currently on The Art Students League of New York Vytlacil Campus Artist-in-Residency Program, which is just outside NYC.
it is so wonderful here at the moment i am amazed at the colours of all the leaves gently falling... i have been busy collecting video footage and painting and visiting all the great galleries and even metal working!!
pictured left here is a current mixed media painting in progress.
click here for a sneak preview of works in progress
i recently made a series of photos whilst driving my car between Byron Bay and Lismore. i taped the camera to the dash and had some fun in photoshop transforming some of the dullest photos in the universe...
[into something - hopefully - a little less dull....!]
click here to see!
The Magic Faraway Tree : A journey into literature through the eyes of the artist.
Opening 6pm friday August 6th 2010
exhibition continues until August 23rd
A new exhibition opening August 6 at Retrospect Galleries explores literature and words through the eyes of the artist, showcasing works inspired by books and stories and random words beginning with the letter ‘p’.
The show features works from my recent series A thousand words or more to make a picture, alongside selected works by Sarah Harvey, Michelle Dawson, John Smith, Zom Osborne, Kareena Zerefos and Shaun Tan.
RETROSPECT GALLERIES 52 jonson street byron bay nsw 2481
a group show presented by VEGAS SPRAY
Opening night 9th July 2010 6pm - 10pm Exhibition runs 9th - 15th July 2010
Bleeding Heart Gallery 166 Ann Street, Brisbane
Eastcoasters brings together artists from along the eastcoast of Australia - SYDNEY, LISMORE, BYRON BAY, GOLD COAST & BRISBANE - in a group exhibition, to showcase the similarities and differences in their practice, and how this is influenced by individual city culture.
Artists include Ross McMaster, Joanna Kambourin , Darren Bryant, Dolores Cupcake, Joran Stamatakakos, Jennifer Clarke, Oliver Wilcox, Lucy Broomhall, Alison Lorenzo, Vaughn Pinxit, Caroline Morin, Christine King.
come meet and be merry with the artists on opening night!
my latest drawing project is a site-based one, drawing (ha!) on a field trip made to Diggers Camp on the far north coast of NSW, and has been an interesting [for me] exploration into the use of both photography and masking tape (is my new friend!) as drawing media. the starting point of the project was an ephemeral sculpture i made by wrapping a dead tree with masking tape and drawing on the tape. i then applied this concept to my collection of photographs (taken on the trip) to create a body of work from....
click here to see a little slideshow i put together of selected images, installation views and a sound piece i made as part of the project...
i have just been experimenting with the idea of walking as the basis of making artwork... and exploring a wide range of different media - paper, string, charcoal, graphite, pastels, ink, food colouring, dishmops, photography and video - a myriad of different ways to represent something as simple as a walk....
click here to see a quick slideshow of selected works and some installation views, as well as 2 video pieces i made as part of the project...
Retrospect Galleries at ART MELBOURNE 2010
Royal Exhibition Centre, Carlton, Melbourne. 22-25 April 2010.
Retrospect Galleries makes its debut appearance in Melbourne this month at ART MELBOURNE, at the Royal Exhibition Building in Carlton.
This is one of the largest and most exciting art fairs in the country, and i have a few small works going down alongside fabulous works by Kellie O'Dempsey, Nikky Morgan-Smith, Michelle Dawson, John Cottrell, Katka Adams, Hilary Hermann, Rodney Black, Shane Martin, Rick Shearman, Alberto Sanchez, Ross Tamlin, Jan Van Dij [just to name a few!]
Retropect Galleries will be at Stand No. 14
RETROSPECT GALLERIES 52 jonson street byron bay nsw 2481
inRetrospect 10 - Book Launch & Xmas bash 5.30pm saturday december 12th 2009
Retrospect is thrilled to announce that they've recently published a new full colour 140 page book introducing 34 fantastic artists. InRetrospect 10 includes Q & A style interviews and 3 full pages of images for: Alberto Sanchez, Anna Nordstrom, Bennett, Cornelia Burless, Daniel Clemmett, Dave Bowers, Dennis Ropar, Dolores Cupcake, Doug Bartlett, Erika Mayer, Fawn Gehweiler, Fiona Kennedy-Altoft, Hilary Herrmann, James Looker, James McMillan, Jan Van Dijk, John Cottrell, Johnny Romeo, Kareem Rizk, Kareena Zerefos, Kelsey Brookes, Kevin Tran, Laura Skerlj, Luke Taaffe, Mia Taninaka, Michelle Dawson, Nic Plowman, Nick Morris, Nikky Morgan Smith, Noel Hart, Rick Shearman, Sarah Harvey, Simon DeGroot Stephen Phibbs and Troy Archer
BOOK LAUNCH SPECIAL: attend the launch and get 2 copies for $25 (RRP $20 each)!!
RETROSPECT GALLERIES 52 jonson street byron bay nsw 2481
petits travaux : exhibition of small works
Opening 6pm friday november 27th 2009
exhibition continues until December 12th
Retrospect's annual affordable art show - just in time for Christmas. Miniature works with prices to match, from a selection of Retrospect's most popular artists, including: Alle Scott, Charly Wrencher, Cornelia Burless, Dolores Cupcake, Hilary Herrmann, James McMillan, Jan Rae, Jez Mead, John Cottrell, Kareem Rizk, Kareena Zerefos, Luke Taaffe, Simon Degroot, Snatchez, Snick and more...
RETROSPECT GALLERIES 52 jonson street byron bay nsw 2481
Revolution of ART : urban aRt exhibition
Opening 6-9pm friday july 24th 2009
exhibition continues until August 13th
Boldest art show in Byron Bay to coincide with Splendor in the Grass music festival. With original paintings, sculptures and fine art prints from a carefully selected group of celebrated and emerging urban and graffiti artists. Artists include: Kelsey Brookes (USA), Ginza LAb (Japan), glass LOve (France), Vilchez/LAB (Spain), Doug BArlett (Oz), NumbSkull (oZ), Snatchez (: ), Dolores Cupcake and many more...
RETROSPECT GALLERIES 52 jonson street byron bay nsw 2481
Vietnamese and African infused jazz
April 1st, 2009, 7pm $15
: dolorescupcake studio + gallery
it is with great pleasure that the Blue Birdy invites you to enjoy a night in my studio with Way Out West, an acclaimed world-jazz group from Melbourne, featuring Peter Knight, Dung Nguyen, Ray Pereira, Paul Williamson, Howard Cairns + Dave Beck. Way Out West has developed a unique and alluring sound, which blends Vietnamese and African influences with jazz in a surprising and vibrant manner.... have a listen here.
Come on down this wednesday!!
i have officially turned pirate...
launched this NEW version of my website!!!!
thanks for dropping by!
having spent a month in europe over christmas and new years, in the snow, hanging out with darth vader [who incidentally is not luke sywalker's father and is also known as jeff, jeff vaderrr...], skiing, and OD-ing on art galleries, i have returned to australia somewhat unwillingly, to melt in the heat but kinda ready to make lots of white work in 2009... i think... stay tuned...
detail of small charcoal and pastel scribble [drawing] i did of the view over the trainlines coming into paris.... mmm... paris |
12 x 12 art for the tree : exhibition : december 06 - 17 2008
Retrospect Galleries invites you to 12 x 12 art for the tree, a group exhibition featuring an exciting range of miniature works from a mix of established and emerging artists, presented in 12x12inch and 12x12cm format.
Artists featured include: Luke Taaffe, Nic Plowman, Snick, Karyn Fendley, Andy Kabanoff, Fiona Kennedy-AltoffSarah Harvey, Doug Bartlett, Alberto Sanchez, Noel Hart, John Cotterll and me...
[[you'll get to see the end result of my block mania....]]
opening night friday december 05, from 6pm
RETROSPECT GALLERIES 52 jonson street byron bay nsw 2481 australia
i am officially going crazy.
who's idea was it to paint on wooden blocks and boxes??!!
i'm ready to burn them.
i hate them.
they can go to hell.
painting on wood is like licking sandpaper. it's horrid.
pictured here - works in progress Fucking Hell blocks
splendour in the grass 2008
As part of the Where Mighty Giants Dwell Urban Art Exhibition, Retrospect Galleries installed a 40metre wall at Splendour in the Grass 2008. I was one of 7 artists selected to paint a live mural on the wall, alongside Ironlak sponsored graff artists from brisbane.
It was um pretty crazy [especially constructing the wall....] and very fun.
and i got to see Sigur Rós - musical highlight of 2008 so far!! woohoo!
Pictured here, me, painting mural titled “Splendid”.
Photo by Alberto Sanchez Photographia
where mighty giants dwell : urban art exhibition : opening night
Opening night was pretty exciting - lots of V and young happy people bouncing around amongst some really hot cutting edge art - very refreshing for byron bay.
i was really tired after constructing a wall at splendour and running around organising artworks, sculptures, kids and turntables...
but i think a good night was had by all...
watch out though - if you drink 4 Vs it's hard to sleep...
pictured here, me with my painting Messages From Above
Photo by Jeff Dawson
where mighty giants dwell : urban art exhibition : aug 01-17 2008
Retrospect Galleries in conjunction with Stupidkrap are hosting a radical group show titled Where Mighty Giants Dwell in Byron Bay to coincide with the annual Splendour in the Grass festival. With works from a carefully selected group of over 40 celebrated and emerging urban and graffiti artists, the exhibition includes paintings, prints, art toys and hard-to-find art print clothing. Artists include Buff Monster, Kelsey Brookes, Ben Frost, Kill Pixie, XXZilla, Doug Bartlett, James McMillan and me
opening night friday august 01, 6-10pm with guest DJ from the Vines
RETROSPECT GALLERIES 52 jonson street byron bay nsw 2481 australia